Overview of the Launchbees dashboard
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Launchbees dashboard is a comprehensive and user-friendly interface that allows developers, product managers, and other stakeholders to effectively manage and control features within a software application or system. It provides a centralized platform for teams to plan, deploy, and monitor features, enabling seamless collaboration and faster development cycles.
Let's familiarise ourselves with the terminology first
Feature flags: A feature flag, also known as a feature toggle or feature switch is used to enable or disable certain features in an application without the need for redeployment. With Launchbees, It can be managed dynamically at runtime through a centralized system.
Environments: Environments refer to different deployment environments or stages where software applications are hosted and tested before being released to the production environment. You control the availability and behavior of features during different stages of development and testing. Common environments are - development, staging, and production.
Enterprise: Target audience or enterprises refer to your customers' accounts. To target, you can select from the list of enterprises that are your customers.
Dashboard components
As soon as you log in, you will be redirected to the feature flags table. Use this table to see all feature flags in the selected environment. By default, the development environment will be chosen.
Table contains -
Name of the feature flag
Unique ID of the feature
Description of the feature
Creation date and time
Status: Live or Draft
Target enterprises or update the enterprise's list
Edit feature
Copy the code of the feature flag to be used in your application
Delete feature flag
By default, two environments will be there in your account - development, and production. All the feature flags will be available in all environments. If you add a new feature flag, you will be able to access it from all two environments. While feature flags will remain the same, all the environments will have different targeting options. For example, in staging you can target just your own organization to test, and in production, you can target three end enterprises for beta release.
Add feature
Click on the "Add feature" button to add a new feature flag. To add a new feature flag you will have to enter -
Feature name
A unique feature key
Description of the feature
Target audience
Use this section to select enterprises for whom you want to enable the feature. You can select all the enterprises from the dropdown or only a few based on the type of release that you are doing.
On the settings page, you can find the environment key to be used in the SDK integration. All three environments (development, staging, and production) will have different environment keys. You can also add your own custom environment using the "Add Environment" button.
You can view your profile or view all the members in your organization using this page.
Last updated